MTR Crafters Community Rules

To ensure a safe and exciting community for everyone, we would like all members to abide by our community rules.

These rules are applicable to both our Minecraft server and Discord server.

These rules can also be viewed in our Discord server. If there is any discrepancy between the rules here and those in Discord, the Discord version prevails.

You can view the Chinese version of the rules here. If there is any discrepancy between the Chinese version of the rules and those in English, the English version prevails.

Please be mindful of your actions towards other people. Do not discuss or post anything that is deemed inappropriate, offensive, or NSFW (not safe for work). This can include (but is not limited to) racial comments, excessive swearing, hate speech, or obscene content. In addition, do not impersonate others or post someone’s personal information without their prior consent.

Be considerate to everyone in the community. Do not spam or use excessive capital letters in chat, and do not mention (ping) other members unnecessarily. In addition, do not make disturbing noises in voice chat. Although not regulated by us, should you want to send a DM (direct message) to other members, please be respectful and do not spam.

We do not welcome arguments that are not related to MTR Crafters in the community. These can include (but are not limited to) politics or personal relationships; please argue outside of our community. On the other hand, we encourage members to provide constructive feedback to us should they have any.

In general, please only use English or Chinese in chat, which are the main languages of communication within this community. Other languages may also be used only if necessary.

Please post relevant content in their respective channels. Also, you may use bot commands only in the "#機械人區-bot-zone" channel.

You may self-promote or advertise only in the "#宣傳-advertising" channel. However, you are not allowed to advertise something that gives you direct monetary gain.

Do not publish or share scam links or files featuring malware.

Do not destroy any structure on the Minecraft server by any means. If you want to remove something, you must obtain explicit permission to do so.

You must follow staff instructions at all times. Instructions by staff can include (but are not limited to): no trespassing into unopened areas, no pvp-ing between players, etc.

You may not interfere with staff when they are handling with situations as you may disrupt their ability to make fair and logical decisions.

You may not ask for administrative permissions both on the Discord server and Minecraft server. You must become a staff member to obtain administrative permissions.

We reserve the right to sanction members who do not comply with these rules. While we give out punishments according to the rules, you can still be punished for something not listed above.